Drying of the pallets

Kiln drying of pallets (KD) is a process of wood drying, during which which a redundant dampness of the wood is eliminated in a closed drying closet until the required figures are reached. The overal dampness of wood treated this way must be less than 20 %.

This process does not automatically ensure that the wood went throught heat treatment as well. In order to guarantee correct heat treatment according to the ISPM standard, the wooden packaging must be heated up to at least 56° Celsius for at least 30 minutes.

Dried pallets are of lower density and mold-free

The process of drying inceases the overall expenses for packaging; nevertheless, it is the only way to minimize the danger of undesirable moulding. Another advantage of this treatment is pallets' lower density and weight.

We have two modern hot-air drying-rooms at our disposal with overall capacity of 2000 pallets.

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